Welcome Obediah

Our original plan was to have a home birth, but we had to give up our plans for God’s perfect plans. The 36 hours of labor was exhausting for Naomi, fraught with throwing up and losing fluids fast. Her misery seemed fruitless since labor was not progressing (but Paul tells us God does not waste any suffering in 2 Cor. 4:17: “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison”). What we didn’t realize was that Obediah was breech, and since Naomi was exhausted from the contractions and fluid loss, there was no amount of trying on her part that could accomplish this birth (just as only the Great Physician has the power to draw us to Himself). Obediah Matthyahu Harvey (Servant of Yahweh, Gift of Yahweh, Battle Worthy) was born at 17:12 on May 28th, via c-section, weighing 6 lbs 3oz, and 19in. long. Nathan and Obed having fun on floor lil' sweetness holding my finger